Durham Islamic Soccer League Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

DISL 2024 - Opening Day


Opening Day is Sat May 25 - Fallingbrook Park @ 9:00AM

Opening Day is Saturday May 25 @ 9:00AM. All members are requested to arrive at the field by 8:45AM. Opening ceremonies begin at 9:00AM sharp at Fallingbrook Park. Once ceremonies have concluded all divisions can head to their respective fields. Divisional Field Allocations: U6 Boys & U6 Girls: Fallingbrook Park U8 Girls: Fallingbrook Park Field 1 U10 Girls: Fallingbrook Park Field 2 U8 Boys: Fallingbrook Park Field 3 U10 Boys: Jack Wilson Park Field 1A U12 Boys: Jack Wilson Park Field 1B U15 Boys: Jack Wilson Park Field 2 Equipent Needed: It is recomended that all players have soccer cleats and shinpads for opening day however it is not mandatory for opening day. These pieces of equipment will become mandatory when league matches begin. Team Allocations: We DO NOT assign teams for the first week of soccer, instead all players are grouped by their divisions. we use the first week to conduct player evaluations in order to construct balanced team rosters. Team rosters will be posted to the website the week of May 27 Water Bottles: The league does not provide plastic water bottles. Please bring a reusable bottle in order to cut down the amount of trash produced. See you on the field!!

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